Durable Labels


Different products require different types of labels; some products may come into contact with water or be stored in varying temperatures which is why durable labels are a must for any product that could be exposed to these types’ environments. Whether it is a bottle of shampoo that might get wet in the shower, food stored in a freezer many consumer goods come in contact with water and other unfriendly environments every day, and they must have product labels that are capable of withstanding exposure to unfavourable substances. At Etiquette we have signature materials and adhesives that can withstand the harshest of environments and still remain distinctive in appearance. Our durable labels have been used on many products from shampoo and skincare products to car engines. There is an enormous amount of different synthetic label materials available, and we can help you  in matching the right material for your requirements. For more details contact Etiquette on 0845 222 0354 or you can email the Sales Team at: sales@etiquette.co.uk

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